Friday, March 30, 2007

Bitten by the blogging bug . . .

I've never been one to go along with the crowd. I've always had my own opinions.

There are some things, no matter how hard we try, society just can't seem to resist - cell phones, computers, the internet . . . and now blogland. When I first learned of blogs a few years ago, I just didn't understand the purpose. Why would people want to detail their life's events and post them for all the world to see, criticize and peruse? Why in the world would I want to do this since I've always been such a private person. I just don't have a clue.

There are a few blogs I read on a regular basis. I read these blogs for several reasons.
  1. Entertainment value. Some of the crazy moments that life throws our way should be shared with the world.
  2. Education. There are very technical knitting techniques and hints and tips that many wonderful fellow knitters have shared with the world, for free. Like all information on the internet, you have to consider the source.
  3. Stash enhancement. Perusing online yarn shops is a wonderful way to find yarn bargains and keep the postal service, FedEx and UPS in business.
  4. Project procurement. I don't know what it is about a finished object (FO in knitting acronyms) that is so much more appealing that a flat picture and directions on a pattern leaflet or in a book. And, when someone else has started and project, and actually completed it, talked their way through the entire event and pointed out where they went wrong in the process - there's just something inspiring about knowing someone else has gone before you.

I could go on and on with more reasons to blog. I guess in a way I have been a lurker for a while and this is my contribution to the world. Plus, it gives me a handy-dandy way to keep track of my life - uneventful as it may be.

As soon as I locate the charger for my camera batteries, I can begin posting some pictures associated with my life. If you were my charger, where would you be?